Let’s get personal. Because we love doing that! iCafeCloud your very own Multilingual POS comes integrated with a number of global languages. We understand that customers feel at home when their mother tongue welcomes them. Why not do that with your gaming POS as well?

The underlying intention here that goes without saying is, make your customers love you! No matter what. Here’s a little step towards the same goal! iCafeCloud lets you interact with your customers the way you do yourself! Making sure the language change is seamless no matter where you are in the world!

Multilingual iCafeCloud
List of Languages available with iCafeCloud

Changing the language for iCafeCloud is as easy as making the selection of the language. Just select the one you’d want to display from the center settings page and you’re almost done! All you need to do now is restart your service from the iCafeCloud manager Panel. Once done, the last step is to update the iCafeMenu program from the Games tab!

Multilingual iCafeCloud

That is all you need to do to completely change the language displayed to your iCafeCloud admin and client Panel.

With Open API at your disposal, it is also possible to change the language for all your connected platforms! With the multi center feature packed into iCafeCloud, it is also possible to make language changes to all of your centers with the same process! Find something easier than this, we’re waiting!

Want to change your POS as easy as changing language on iCafeCloud? Get a FREE TRIAL for iCafeCloud today!